VSCPA launches mental health series

The Virginia Society of CPAs has announced the launch of a series of mental health programs and resources meant to aid local CPAs’ mental well-being during the ongoing pandemic and current social climate.

The series will debut on Jan. 15 with a Mental Health Empowerment Kick-Off — a free, three-hour virtual event with presentations and interactive discussions on topics ranging from how to build a mentally healthy work culture, mindful leadership, and how CPAs are managing stress and mental well-being during current times.

“CPAs are telling us they have serious concerns about the sustained stress their teams are experiencing. Our goal is to reduce the stigma of discussing mental health in the workplace and provide practical guidance,” said VSCPA president and CEO Stephanie Peters in a statement.

Other events will include a virtual roundtable on managing stress in challenging times, a webinar on diversity and mental health, a 20-day peak performance challenge, and other resources.

“Everything from the prolonged tax season, to political and social unrest, to the isolation and lack of connection due to the pandemic is creating a level of stress and anxiety that our profession has probably never experienced,” Peters added. “Unfortunately, it is impossible to say how long and how deep the impact will be felt. That’s why it’s important that we have a sustained effort to support CPAs through this experience.”

Peters also offered the following advice for CPAs:

  • Start with personal well-being: Leaders should model positive personal practices, as well as demonstrate vulnerability about the impact of stress. Employees need to understand they are not alone.
  • Say the words “mental health”: Don’t dance around the subject. Talk openly about the impact of the last 10 months and how it’s okay ask for help.
  • Acknowledge different experiences: Staff may have faced unique experiences as people of color, individuals living alone and caretakers, to name a few. Let staff tell you what their situations looks like from their vantage points and the impact on their mental health.
  • Check your benefits: Review your employee assistance plan, as well as the mental health services in your insurance plan, to make sure they are robust and easily accessible. Talk about the benefits and services frequently, including during onboarding.
  • Add mental health first-aid training: Give your team tools to assess serious issues and make sure everyone knows how to respond to a crisis. Local health departments regularly provide this service.
  • Create a culture of connection: Staff need to know they can go to someone at work who will listen. One-on-one conversations at all levels of the organization about the importance of individual well-being will promote a safe and caring work culture well beyond the pandemic.

VSCPA members can visit the “Mental Health Well-Being” section of the VSCPA Coronavirus Resource Center for more information.