5 tips for onboarding clients to a technology stack

Do I have to use this? How long will it take to learn this? I have to remember another password?

If you’re an accountant, you’ve probably heard these sentiments or ones like these when introducing clients to new software.

Many accounting firms understand how the right technologies help them better retrieve and analyze financial information, manage cash flows, offer in-depth reporting and provide several additional benefits that complement traditional offerings. They understand the correlation between technologies and an enhanced quality of service. As a result, they work with a particular technology stack.

Clients, however, often must be coaxed to ditch their status quo tools, even (and maybe especially) if those tools are paper, spreadsheets and emails.

How do you do that? We asked leaders of five accounting firms to weigh in on how to tackle the onboarding process. Below are five tips and tricks your firm can apply today that just might convince those reluctant clients to adopt and even learn to love your technology stack.